Strapi database options for deployment

System Information
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Hello so im planning to develop a full stack website with strapi and deploy it to Heroku, and I’m having some issues and challenges for choosing the database to use for strapi as i will deploy it and not just using it locally, as a front end developer I’m having some difficulties understanding some concepts.

upon watching some tutorials i have found out that MongoDB is a great database for strapi, but recently found out that it is not supported anymore on v4, and so I tried to find guides for strapi with postgres, unlike MongoDB which is also a cloud service, postgres isn’t (as far as what I know, correct me if I’m wrong) so I’m thinking that there might have issues if i deployed strapi to Heroku, so my questions is should I deploy postgres if I’m deploying strapi to Heroku, or if I deployed strapi with Postgres in heroku it works the same?

or do you have any suggestions with a better way of setting up my project, I’m willing to know it

sorry for the lengthy question, thank you in advance :slight_smile: