Strapi Documentation: New beta website and the future of docs for 2023!

Strapi is transitioning to a new documentation tool to provide better, more inclusive, and more interactive documentation.

:rocket: Today we are happy to release the first beta iteration of this new website, available now at :eyes:

This release notably includes:

  • a new design with the much-requested dark mode :dark_sunglasses:,
  • a simplified, hideable table-of-content on the left and secondary navigation on the right to more easily navigate through a page’s content,
  • and synchronized tabs through the website (JavaScript or TypeScript? Make your choice once, and it will be reflected everywhere).

We will gradually add content to this beta website (check the status page for continuously updated progress on content conversion). It will become the primary documentation once we reach content parity with the existing, complete Strapi documentation, still available at

Once the initial content is fully converted, we will improve the documentation further, adding more features such as a new homepage, a refined search experience, and more in-depth and interactive content for both beginners and more advanced users. So stay tuned for (much) more in 2023!

In the meantime, we would love to hear your feedback, so please let us know in this thread :point_down:

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