Strapi error 502 Bad Gateway


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A “502 Bad Gateway” error is an HTTP status code indicating that a server acting as a gateway or proxy has received an invalid response from an upstream server while attempting to fulfill a request. This error can occur for several reasons, including issues with the proxy server, server overloads, or problems with the backend server. To fix it, you can try the following steps: 1. Refresh the page to ensure it’s not a temporary issue. 2. Check the server logs for error details to identify the root cause. 3. If you’re the server administrator, investigate the health of your server and backend services. 4. Consider adjusting the server or proxy configuration, increasing server resources, or addressing issues with upstream servers. If the 502 Bad Gateway error persists, consult your hosting provider or server administrator for further assistance in resolving the issue.

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Review your server and proxy settings. Incorrect configurations can lead to 502 errors. Verify that the proxy is correctly configured to communicate with the

General suggestions are of little use in the context of Strapi. People can look up what 502 means on the Internet.

Here, nobody is actually suggesting how to look up the webserver logs, which is like the most important thing in web development. With Strapi, you don’t have to manually start any web server, so where can you find the webserver’s logs?

To know where the some logs are, see my post: Where are the web server logs stored by default in Strapi 3.6.11?.

Anyway, I got this error in the past when I forgot to set some environment variables that are required by Strapi.

In a production environment, where Strapi may be deployed using a process manager like PM2 or using a server like Nginx or Apache, the logs are often stored in separate files. And even if you buy proxies, developers need to carefully consider and implement thread safety mechanisms to ensure that multiple threads can run concurrently without causing unexpected behavior or data corruption. The paths to these files depend on your server configuration.