Hi! Does anyone have any experience using Informatica with Strapi & would be willing to share their experience with me? Any feedback would be appreciated!
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Welcome @Emily_Santa-Cruz
Informatica is a (big) concept. Could you provide a bit more context? For what kind of project and what do you want to achieve?
Would be happy to help!
EDIT: I asked if you could explain the term informatica (as you did), because it is a term used in The Netherlands and Belgium, which translates to computer science in English. But this explain the situation 
Sure! Our organization is looking to revamp their website and Strapi has been brought up as a contender. Our integrations team uses Informatica to create and manage APIs. I’m trying to see what other people have experienced using both of these platforms. What was testing like? What were the pros/cons of using these two platforms together? Are there any tips you have now that you’ve used both platforms? Etc.
I have not seen that particular integration come up before. I curious what kinda of integration and use-case you are looking for.
For context I believe you are referring to: https://www.informatica.com/
Yes, the link @DMehaffy provided is the Informatica I’m referring to.
The integrations take data to/from the site to/from our CRM platform (Salesforce) and HR platform (Workday).
Use Case: User goes to site to update their profile and make a donation to a project (we are a non-profit org).
- Informatica API would send the Profile data from Strapi to Salesforce
- Informatica API would send the Donation data from Strapi to Workday
- Once Salesforce & Workday have processed the changes, Informatica would need to send back the updated data so that it displays in the user’s profile on Strapi
I didn’t know that! I’m glad you asked me to clarify that then! 
I think in this case there isn’t really a tool to do so but Strapi is certainly capable of handling that type of interaction (assuming infromatica has it’s own API and has the ability to also make it’s own API requests, which is should if it’s tying into Salesforce and Workday).
I think you will probably need some fields in the user model to be able to tie the Strapi user record to the outside resources and you are likely going to need to write some custom backend code within Strapi to handle the integration but I don’t think it would be all too difficult.
We don’t currently have a package to handle that type of integration currently and I’ve not seen any example of the usage of informatica yet, but if you do manage to get something running with it, I think it would be a great thing to share!
Naturally those of us in the community are certainly open to any specific questions you have about the implementation.
You can do nearly everything with strapi 
As you said it uses APIs, just connect them betwen APIs.
I use it for 100% of my projects
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That’s good to know that some custom backend code may be required. I’ll definitely be returning here if I can’t find a solution in the published documentation. I really appreciate your feedback!
Thanks for the feedback! SaaS systems present their own set of challenges so API connections are not always seamless. Since our team is new to Strapi, it’d be helpful to hear from anyone who has walked in our shoes before. Looking forward to learning from this community!