Strapi-plugin-io emit relations

could somone give me an example how to get also the data of a related collection type?
The default emited data contains only a count:

id: 7
note: "TEXT TEXT"
order: Object { count: 1 }  // How to get the related order data?
count: 1
<prototype>: Object { … }
updatedAt: "2023-06-13T17:09:01.693Z"
updatedBy: Object { id: 1, firstname: "Max", lastname: "Example", … }
users_permissions_user: Object { count: 1 } // How to get the related user data?

I tried to extend the update action in the order-note controller with strapi.$io.emit('api::order-note.order-note.update', static-testdata), but that doesn’t change anything.

Thanks Roman

My mistake: strapi.$io.emit('api::order-note.order-note.update', static-testdata) in controller works, when updateing through api (not updating in Strapi-Admin).

My controllers/order-note.js now is:

'use strict';

 * order-note controller

const { createCoreController } = require('@strapi/strapi').factories;

async function getEmitData(id) {
    const entry = await strapi.entityService.findOne('api::order-note.order-note', id, {
        fields: ['note', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt'],
        populate: { 
            users_permissions_user: {
                fields: ['id', 'fullname', 'email']
            order: {
                fields: ['order_no']        
    return entry

module.exports = createCoreController('api::order-note.order-note', ({ strapi }) => ({
    async update(ctx) {
        const response = await super.update(ctx);
        const data =
        const emit = await getEmitData(
        strapi.$io.emit('api::order-note.order-note.update', emit);
        return response

    async create(ctx) {
        const response = await super.create(ctx);
        const data =
        const emit = await getEmitData(
        strapi.$io.emit('api::order-note.order-note.create', emit);
        return response

Now I get it emittet twice. First comes my custom emit strapi.$io.emit('api::order-note.order-note.create', emit); and then the standard emit. How can I avoid the standard emit?