Strapi v4 plugin and tailwindcss

I have created a Strapi v4 plugin but I don’t want to use Strapi design system for my UI (I have create other plugins with Strapi design system]). I want to use tailwindcss

I have created tailwind.config.js and styles.css following installation docs and import them in /plugins/[plugin-folder]/admin/src/index.js of my plugin without any success.

Also tried add tailwindcss in /src/admin/webpack.config.js at config.plugins without success again.

Any suggestion? Someone has done it?

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Looking into the same thing. I’ll post back if I am able to find a solution. Really don’t want to have to learn a new design system in order to build custom admin panels :pray:

I was able to get this working by using the Tailwind CLI to compile a global.css and the compiled version into my plugin.

I’m planning on returning to this issue when I have more time to dedicate to integrating with Strapi’s Webpack build, but for now I can just run CLI in watch while developing.