System Information
Strapi Version : 5
Operating System : aws ebs
Database : postgressql
Node Version : 20
I have migrated my strapi project from v4 to v5 however when trying to save or publish data i am faced with this error
any explanation what does this error mean
after a bit of investigating the issue, here is the function throwing the error
const getRelationIds = fp.curry(
(idMap, targetUid, source, relation) => {
const targetLocale = i18n.getRelationTargetLocale(relation, {
sourceUid: source.uid,
sourceLocale: source.locale
const targetStatus = dp.getRelationTargetStatus(relation, {
sourceUid: source.uid,
sourceStatus: source.status
const ids = [];
for (const tStatus of targetStatus) {
const entryId = idMap.get({
uid: targetUid,
documentId: relation.documentId,
locale: targetLocale,
status: tStatus
if (entryId)
if (!ids.length && !source.allowMissingId) {
throw new strapiUtils.errors.ValidationError(
`Document with id "${relation.documentId}", locale "${targetLocale}" not found`
return ids;
here is some logs I added
relation {
id: 1,
name: ‘Songs’,
pathId: 1,
path: ‘/1’,
createdAt: ‘2023-04-08T21:17:32.672Z’,
updatedAt: ‘2023-04-08T21:17:32.672Z’,
documentId: ‘zq5cjpsdov01x8t3jscqf64y’,
locale: ‘en’,
publishedAt: null
source { locale: undefined, status: ‘draft’, uid: ‘’ }
targetUid plugin::upload.folder
For people facing the same issue Document with id not found, I have moved my media file from one folder to another and things started to work.
1 Like
October 4, 2024, 9:33am
This also helped me. If I move the image back to the original folder, the error occurs again. I don’t want to rename all my folders. Does anyone have any ideas?
October 4, 2024, 9:43am
What works: Create new temp folder, move all assets to new folder, delete old folder, create old folder with same name, move assets back, delete temp folder.
1 Like
January 21, 2025, 11:30am
I have the same issue - it is driving me through the roof. I simply want to save an entry that has a relation to 2 other collections and user-permissions. Do you have any more updates on how to fix solve this?