Struggling to make / blog SEO work with Strapi

Hello everyone,

We’ve explored various methods for hosting our blog and achieved moderate success with the quality of our articles, even securing high rankings on platforms like Medium and Webflow.

Our website and blog are powered by Strapi, and we’ve made sure to integrate an SEO plugin. We pay close attention to metadata, indexing, titles, and other SEO essentials.

However, we suspect there might be some underlying technical SEO challenges that we’re unable to identify.

Has anyone else encountered similar obstacles? If so, could you share some insights or advice?

It took a lot of effort to build things with Strapi and we are hesitant to move our vlog somewhere else.

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so, Strapi just gives you an API - it’s down to where you’re rendering your content to the technical SEO aspects, are you using Next.js, Nuxt.js, Gatsby, Angular etc

The render layer, the bit that Googlebot see’s takes in information from the Strapi API, so you’d need to render those pages in an SEO friendly way (Server Side or Statically generated)

Happy to help you improve your render layers technical SEO if you can provide more details regarding your stack and the specific issue you’re having with your technical SEO?

Thank you so much for your response.

This is our blog: Blog - Airpals

And our stack is: NextJS version 13, we use getStaticProps for the blog’s sections and render statically, and Strapi is selfhosted on Google cloud run

Seems fine to me, looks like it’s setup as expected, has a full source for search engines. if you’re wanting specific improvements you’re in the realm of SEO specialists to improve keyword ranking and optimise PPC traffic etc.

Might want to look at some performance improvements to fix up the remainder of technical SEP aspects (google loves well performing sites)

Thank you so much for your time!