Syntax for single-entry graphql mutation?

Hi, I’m using Nuxt with Strapi and trying to get the Apollo Client cache to update after making a change to the Strapi data via a graphql mutation.

This should happen automatically with a single-item mutation — see eg the Edit section in this tutorial: Update Apollo Cache after a mutation and get instant benefits on your UI - DEV Community.

But it doesn’t happen, and I’m suspecting it’s because Strapi requires a more lengthy mutation syntax that makes Apollo think there may be more than one response.

The graphql docs say simple mutations work like this:

mutation updateThing(
	$id: ID!,
	$label: String!
) {
	updateThing(id: $id) {
		thing {

But I believe for Strapi we need to do this?

mutation updateThing(
	$id: ID!,
	$label: String!
) {
	updateThing(input: {
		where: {
			id: $id
		data: {
			Label: $label
	}) {
		thing {

Am I right? Is this why my Apollo cache does not automatically update?

Can anyone guide me on using Apollo’s update functionality for this?