Table records got deleted automatically

I have two database postgress version 16 one for dev and another for prod. I just replaced the dev env to point to prod database to test it out with more data. But on doing so a particular collection type row items was autmatically deleted from strapi .This happened while running yarn develop with prod database credentials. Is this a possibility or could any custom code cause such a problem?

Is there any way data can be retrieved now as there is no backup taken.


I’d be glad to help you with the situation where data was deleted from your Strapi application’s collection type when switching the development environment to point to the production database.

Understanding the Cause:

While it’s less likely for PostgreSQL to automatically delete data simply by changing database connections, here are some potential explanations:

Strapi Initialization Code: Strapi might have custom initialization code that checks for specific data or performs cleanup actions during startup. If this code is present in your development environment and expects certain data to be absent in production, it could have inadvertently deleted rows.

Database Triggers: Production database might have triggers set up to enforce data integrity or perform specific actions on data modifications. If these triggers HealthCareGov are not present in the development database, they could have been triggered when the development environment connected, leading to unexpected behavior.

Data Mismatch: If the data structures or constraints in the production database differ significantly from the development database, Strapi might have encountered errors while trying to interpret or manipulate the data, potentially resulting in deletions.

User Error: It’s important to consider the possibility of accidental data deletion through manual commands or tools during the database connection switch.

Recovering Data (if possible):

Unfortunately, without backups, recovering the deleted data can be extremely challenging. However, here are some options worth exploring:

Check PostgreSQL Logs: The PostgreSQL server logs might contain information about the deletion events, including timestamps and potentially deleted row details. These logs could provide clues about the cause and deleted data.

Forensics Tools: If the database resides on a physical machine, data forensics tools might be able to recover recently deleted data from the storage device. However, this is a complex and expensive option, and success is not guaranteed.

Preventing Future Incidents:

To prevent similar data loss in the future, it’s crucial to implement these practices:

Regular Backups: Regularly back up your production database to a separate location. This allows you to restore data in case of accidental deletions or other issues.

Separate Development and Production Environments: Maintain separate development and production environments with distinct database connections. This helps to avoid unintended modifications to production data during development activities.

Thorough Testing: Before deploying changes to production, rigorously test them in a development environment that closely mirrors the production setup. This reduces the risk of unexpected behavior.

Strict Version Control: Use a robust version control system (e.g., Git) to track changes to Strapi code and configurations. This allows you to revert to a previous version if necessary.

Clear Documentation: Document the differences between development and production environments, including database connection details and any custom code that might interact with the database.

By following these steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of data loss in the future and ensure the smooth operation of your Strapi application.

I hope the information may help you.