The Art of Strapi Customization: Zyres' Experience Building a Page Builder

We are ZYRES, a digital agency from the heart of Frankfurt, Germany and a proud Strapi Solution Partner.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Preview Function

Another functionality most likely to be requested is some kind of preview, especially when the project users have previously worked with some other CMS entailing such a function. Again, the Strapi Marketplace ofers some.

What do you mean by preview.

Next.js has serious limits when it comes to preview. Mainly because the standard preview from the generated builder will be too large to load into localStorage.

Small content containing medium-sized json still makes sense. Dynamic large sections will definitely exceed these limits.

Unless you have some way to do it.

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Hi @Dawid_Guzik
For the previews we are using this plugin: Preview Button | Strapi Market
We combine this with a secret key as explained in the plugin instructions, this way we render, on request, a preview of the page the editor is working with.