There is no Find One option in the permissions in Roles to enable for my single type content

I have built the header in strapi, in the single-type in content-type builder. The header has a media field for the logo, and has NavLinks and button as components.The find one option that has to be selected in the permissions section for this single type is not there. I can only see the option- delete, update and find.

For header to be visible on frontend, find and find one field are to be selected in the permissions section in public section of roles. However, i can only see the option- delete, update and find. i have selected the find option, but from that i only get the following fields using the endpoint url:

“data”: {
“id”: 1,
“attributes”: {
“createdAt”: “2024-07-08T08:18:03.356Z”,
“updatedAt”: “2024-07-08T08:18:07.342Z”,
“publishedAt”: “2024-07-08T08:18:07.337Z”
“meta”: {}

whereas ideally it should be this:
“data”: {
“id”: 1,
“attributes”: {
“logo”: {
“url”: “”,
“alternativeText”: “Logo”
“NavLinks”: [
{ “label”: “Home”, “url”: “/home” },
{ “label”: “About”, “url”: “/about” }
“button”: {
“text”: “Contact Us”,
“link”: “/contact”
“createdAt”: “2024-07-08T08:18:03.356Z”,
“updatedAt”: “2024-07-08T08:18:07.342Z”,
“publishedAt”: “2024-07-08T08:18:07.337Z”
“meta”: {}