Transfer operation stuck

Hello, I am trying for the first time to use the Transfer feature to pull data from the server to my local environment.

I followed the documentation, created the Transfer tokens, and started the process.
After I click to proceed the process is stuck with no messages or errors. I waited more than 30 minutes and nothing happened.

Both instances are updated to the latest version 4.9.2 and use PostgreSQL as database. The production is hosted on Render.

How can I debug the issue to understand where it is stuck and why?



Thank you I checked that, but in my case, I don’t even see the first CLI message that is visible in the screenshot added to that GitHub issue.

Starting transfer...

it just stays there and nothing happens.

My development env is on Windows and npm version is 9.3.0

Following this as I have the exact same issue, the way @drakedev describes it is happening to me as well:

  • from remote to local
  • running Strapi 4.9.2 on both locations
  • After The transfer will delete all the local Strapi assets and its database. Are you sure you want to proceed? Yes nothing happens.

There is definitely something off here and needs the dev’s attention, can someone from Strapi jump in here?

The same here from remote to local with 4.8.2 on both locations. After response with Yes, nothing happens

Same here! useless feature has it not even a verbose mode for any debugging

I am facing the same issue. But it was working even a few days ago. I don’t know why but today when the running the command I’m getting the exact same issue. The only difference is that I have the DRAG AND DROP CONTENT TYPE PLUGIN installed. The command gets stuck after this message REGISTERED DRAG AND DROP CONTENT TYPE PLUGIN.

Downgrading to v4.9.0 from v4.10.2 (and upwards) fixed the issue for both pulling and pushing (I didn’t test if pushing was working in v4.10.2+).

Same issue for me also. I am using 4.12.7