System Information
- 4.0.3:
- MacOS:
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- 14.15:
- 6.14:
I am trying to add the romanian language as a language available for translating the admin ui. I followed the docs and some other questions asked on this forum but i am unable to make it work.
Steps i followed:
- Created a file ro.json in /project-root/src/admin/translations/ which contained a copy of the other locale files, but translated in romanian. something along these lines:
"Auth.form.button.password-recovery": "Recuperare parola",
"Auth.form.button.register": "Să începem",
"Auth.form.button.reset-password": "Schimbați parola",
"Auth.form.confirmPassword.label": "Parola de confirmare",
"Auth.form.currentPassword.label": "Parola actuală",
- I created another file in that translations dir called languageNativeNames.js in which i added the native name for the ro locale.
- I changed the app config in app.js to include the new locale like this:
locales: ["ro", "en"]
- Rebuild the admin ui. No new locale is visible on the login page
I managed to make it work by adding this new ro.json file in the node_modules location of the translation folder for the admin ui. But that is not a viable solution, as i am sure there is a way to do it without manually overriding the strapi node modules