Update a list with images using update / uploadFiles

Hi, i have a Form where i send a list of Ids and a list of files… something like this…

So i know that file_1 its for category 1, im using the update but is not working and i have to use later the entityService.UploadFile, with uploadFile works, and i dont know why

–CODE 1–
File is not updated but is uploaded to the content-manager
let updateada = await strapi.services['rel-deportista-especialidad'].update({ id: 12 }, { certificado: false },files)

–CODE 2–
With this code works fine.
let updateada = await strapi.services['rel-deportista-especialidad'].update({ id: 12 }, { certificado: false }); await strapi.entityService.uploadFiles(updateada, files, { model: 'rel-deportista-especialidad', });

Im missing something in first code ? ?!!..

Hello @J_M

Can you provide some context into how these are used? I think I’m missing some information to get a clear picture as to what you are trying to do?