Updated Youtube video documentation for v4

Hi team, I have went through strapi youtube channel, blogs and documentation. Fundamentals get clear easily from documentation, unfortunately customized changes like

  1. integration with AWS S3,
  2. Postgres on RDS,
  3. dockerization of strapi application
  4. deployment on EC2
  5. custom api implementation
  6. GraphQL
  7. SSL connection
    The blogs and youtube channel does not have any updated content on these challenges, which being developer we would love to see and learn.
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@Boegie19 thank you for tagging me.

@Ankit_Thakur and thank you for your comment.

We are in the process of creating more videos on our YouTube channel.

I am starting by going through the highest-viewed topics on the forum and Discord to make a list of videos to make.

Also, wondering, if should we have a way for focus request videos on GitHub that they would like us to create.

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Waiting for it!