Updating one-way relation via Entity Service API

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 4.21.1
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Database: SQL Lite
  • Node Version: 20.10
  • NPM Version: 10.4
  • Yarn Version:

Hello, community

I have a one-way relation that points entries in a Socio collection-type to fees in the Fee collection type.

Every time a new Socio is created I want to create a new Fee and point the new Socio to this fee by using the afterCreate lifecycles hook.

This is what I’ve tried so far in the Socio lifecycles script:

async afterCreate(event) {
    const newFee = await strapi.entityService.create("api::fee.fee", {
      data: {
        name: event.params.data.nome,
        publishedAt: Date.now(),

    await strapi.entityService.update(
        populate: {
          fee: true,
        data: {
          fee: newFee.id,

However, I get the following 500 error and the relation isn’t established (the fee is created though):
“error: Undefined binding(s) detected when compiling WHERE. Undefined column(s): [t0.id] query: where t0.id = ?”

This topic follws this one: https://forum.strapi.io/t/automatically-create-related-content-type/40100

Thank you!