Use DigitalOcean database with strapi docker-compose

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 3.6.5
  • Operating System: win 10
  • Database: postgres
  • Node Version: 12.20.1
  • NPM Version:
  • Yarn Version:

Hello everybody, i want to use docker-compose to run my app but i dont know how to do to use my online DigitalOcean database??? i configure everything to deploy my app properly but i would like to use my online db to develop. maybe the best thing will be to copy my dev db in master db when i want.

Any idea to do it very properly ?


Im wondering that too…
I tried to import my database (of my Strapi project) but it throws and error

mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
ERROR 3750 (HY000) at line 30: Unable to create or change a table without a primary key, when the system variable 'sql_require_primary_key' is set. Add a primary key to the table or unset this variable to avoid this message. Note that tables without a primary key can cause performance problems in row-based replication, so please consult your DBA before changing this setting.