Users & Permissions, required "username" in registration


I have a question about the “username” attribute in the Users collection from the Users & Permissions plugin. By default, it is set as a “required” and “unique” attribute. We can, of course, change this in users-permissions/content-types/user/schema.json. In my case, I set the “required” and “unique” keys to true for the “email” field. However, yesterday I spent some time trying to leave only the email and password fields during registration, instead of requiring a username, email, and password (I understand we can bypass this by assigning the email to the username in the mutation).

Now, my question is: can this be achieved by modifying the relevant parts of plugin.controllers.auth.register as follows?

const { email, *remove username*, provider } = params;

const identifierFilter = email.toLowerCase();
* leaving only the email 
  $or: [
    {  },
    { username: email.toLowerCase() },
    { username },
    { email: username },

etc. I’m still getting familiar with Strapi. I’ve looked through the documentation but I’m not sure how to modify the UsersPermissionsRegisterInput type in graphql/types/register-input.js:

module.exports = ({ nexus }) => {
  return nexus.inputObjectType({
    name: 'UsersPermissionsRegisterInput',

    definition(t) {
     *remove t.nonNull.string('username');*

I’m not sure whether it’s worth the effort to override this in the extensions folder or if it’s better to leave it as is. I assume that the username might be required in other functions, mutations, or types, and this could lead to more complications.

Any advice or guidance would be appreciated.
