Users unable to reset password to access Admin console


I’m self-hosting Strapi v4 and users who have access to the Admin Console are unable to reset their password.

This is the user flow:

  1. In the deployed application I create a new User in Admin Panel, set a default password, and send them an invite link to login
  2. The users follow the link and login using the default password
  3. The user clicks on “Profile” then fills out “Change Password” prompts
  4. When clicking “Save”, nothing happens

Am I missing something on how to allow admin users to change their password? Note: I don’t have an email provider setup – is this required?

Following up here, has anyone else had issues where users can’t change their password in the Admin console on their profile page?

I’ve had challenges with configuring e-mail myself on a fresh install recently, but noting from your question, you are receiving the e-mail for resetting the password.

I have just tried it myself and it just all just worked for me. Creating the password when a new account is being made, changing it from the profile page and the forgot password flow (mail did end up in my spam box tho).

Given the current description, I would not know how I could help you further. Any error message (or perhaps screen recording of the steps) would be required for me to help you further.

Thanks @sjeffff, however, I’m not using the “Forgot Password” link on login. Instead, I’m trying to use the “Change Password” screen on the “Profile” page (see screenshot).

If a user enters a new password into these fields and hits

“Save”…nothing happens.

Hmmm. Good to see the screenshot, cause it looks different then my version. I’ve got a third input to enter the current password, before creating a new one. Which version of Strapi are you using and have you made any modifications that could involve the admin UI?

Also, if you install a new version, would you be also missing this field?