We’ve updated from 4.13.5 to 4.15.5 and can no longer customize the Strapi admin dashboard UI.
Previously, we were using patch-package to customize both its layout and content, but in 4.15.5 the UI is now pre-compiled and its source is no longer exists in /node_modules/@strapi/admin/admin/src/pages/HomePage/.
Anyone have any thoughts on how to customize the admin dashboard in the latest Strapi version?
Thanks in advance.
Fork strapi and use the fork instead of the main
We figured it out without forking and are continuing to use patch-package.
The bundled JS code from Strapi is not minified/uglified and resides in /node_modules (e.g. /node_modules/@strapi/admin/dist/_chunks/HomePage-2690d237.mjs). This can be edited and patched via patch-package. It’s code is different than before as these bundles contain jsxs and jsx factory functions. The references to this JS bundle are hardcoded where used, so there is no fear of it changing during our builds with this Strapi version. If a new Strapi version comes along, just have to re-apply any customizations like before and rerun patch-package.
Did you find the login page file? I need to make a modification to it and I simply have no idea where it is.
When in the /node_modules/@strapi/admin/dist/_chunks/ folder, perform a search, looking for various login page content, such as: kai@doe.com
which is the email input field placeholder value.
Using Strapi 4.23.1, this can be found in the Login component inside:
From this file you can add or adjust any factory functions to modify the UI.
Anyway to remove the plugin and settings menu from admin homepage from _chunks. Iam using strapi v4.24.1