V5 localizations

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 5.0.0-rc.6
  • Operating System: macOS Ventura
  • Database: sqlite
  • Node Version: v18.18.2
  • NPM Version: 9.8.1
  • Yarn Version: -

Strapi V5 dropped localizations field:

It is a critical feature in our websites - based on localizations field we have implemented language switcher:

  • I fetch the blog post for the given slug and the given language including localizations
  • from the response I can see what other localizations exist for my fetched blog posts and thus I can create a language switcher that will navigate me from one locale, to the other, for example:
    /en/blog/first-blog-post → /de/blog/erster-blogbeitrag

Without localization field THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE.

The above mentioned docs talk about “Manual procedure” and getAvailableLocales function. So am I supposed to create custom endpoint that would implement this function, just to get localizations for given document? This function needs document ID, so I would need to make 2 requests (first fetch blog post based on slug - to get document ID, and then fetch it’s localizations).

This seems quite complicated, considering that it used to be a built-in feature.

Will be grateful for any help.

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Same for us. I have a feeling that a lot of projects depend on localization field. It was pretty handy to have.


For me this looks like v4-disaster again.