VS Code - Custom action buttons

Adds custom action buttons to VS Code bar for faster development:


1] Install VS Code extension → Action Buttons
2] Open User Settings (JSON)
3] Add the following code to it:

"actionButtons": {
    "defaultColor": "#ff0034", // Can also use string color names.
    "loadNpmCommands": true, // Disables automatic generation of actions for npm commands.
    "reloadButton": "♻️", // Custom reload button text or icon (default ↻). null value enables automatic reload on configuration change
    "commands": [
        "name": "🔼 Development",
        "color": "green",
        "command": "NODE_ENV=development yarn develop"
        "name": "🔼 Production",
        "color": "green",
        "command": "NODE_ENV=production yarn start"
        "name": "🗑️ Flush Cache & Rebuild",
        "color": "red",
        "command": "rm -rf .cache build && yarn build --clean"
        "name": "➕ Add ADMIN",
        "color": "deepskyblue",
        "command": "yarn add strapi-plugin-bootstrap-admin-user@latest"

Current buttons:

Development → Runs strapi in Development mode.
Production → Runs Strapi in Production mode.
Flush Cache & Rebuild → Deletes .cache and build folders, then rebuild the admin.
Add ADMIN → Adds the strapi-plugin-bootstrap-admin-user plugin to the project.


Thanks this was really helpful. I am using the npm script tab right now.
I wanna see if I can make this project-based so it doesn’t show on other projects

The best way to set it got a different project is to use workspaces on vscode. Check out the extension link provided in the post above and go to the alternative approach.

Happy coding :slight_smile: