--watch-admin flag for admin panel customization does not work

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 3.6.8 Community Version
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (Running on gitpod)
  • Database: MonogDB Atlas
  • Node Version: 14.17.6
  • NPM Version: 6.14.15

I’m trying to customize my strapi admin frontend. I’m trying to change the logo of my strapi admin. I’ve followed the tutorial on the docs and created an ./admin folder with the correct succeeding folders to replace the logo.

Trying to run strapi with npm strapi develop --watch-admin starts the strapi app but without the changes to the logo.

Even when I make changes to the filesystem, there’s no form of reloading whatsoever (as should be expected from a devserver on watch mode).

I’ve read and re-read the docs and can’t seem to figure out what I might be doing wrong.

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Try running npm run build and then npm run develop --watch-admin maybe…i was able to run --watch-admin flag once and then it just kept breaking…

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I figured that the correct command is:

npm run develop -- --watch-admin

note the -- ‘delimeter(sorta)’. It allows you to properly pass the --watch-admin parameter to this npm script.

See: https://www.py4u.net/discuss/274377

I created an issue on github to highlight how this is very easy to skip and should be highlighted in the docs. Here


Facing the same issue here, using npm run develop -- --watch-admin does not work for me neither does
npm run build && npm run develop -- --watch-admin still will get 404 when accessing /admin

I just started getting the same problem too. Are you running on localhost?

I use gitpod and when I open the browser console, I see that strapi is trying to make a connection to localhost//: which doesn’t apply to gitpod as it provides a different address for ‘local’ connections

Not using gitpod using local VSCode but yes same issue.
@DMehaffy sorry for the tag, do you got any issues or any knowledge about this ?
both yarn and npm does not work. Seems it deletes all files and nothing exists ?

This worked for me. Thanks!