We cannot connect you through the select provider

Hi, I implemented SSO integration using SAML in my organization. We have one SSO page where I enter my ID and password. After that, it should redirect to the admin page. However, when I enter my SSO ID and password on the SSO page, it redirects to the admin page but displays an error this meesgas show “We cannot connect you through the select provider”
my sso page

getting error this

this my admin.js

const SamlStrategy = require(“@node-saml/passport-saml”).Strategy;
const fs = require(“fs”);
const jwt = require(“jsonwebtoken”);

module.exports = ({ env }) => {
// const callbackURL = env(‘PUBLIC_URL’) + strapi.admin.services.passport.getStrategyCallbackURL(“saml”);

// Log the callbackURL to verify it’s correct
// console.log(‘Constructed callbackURL:’, callbackURL);

return {
auth: {
secret: env(“ADMIN_JWT_SECRET”),
providers: [
uid: “saml”,
displayName: “sso”,
icon: “https://www.okta.com/sites/default/files/Okta_Logo_BrightBlue_Medium-thumbnail.png”,
createStrategy: (strapi) =>
new SamlStrategy(
callbackUrl: env(‘PUBLIC_URL’) + strapi.admin.services.passport.getStrategyCallbackURL(“saml”),
entryPoint: env(“SAML_ENTRYPOINT_URL”),
issuer: “passport-saml”,
(profile, done) => {
done(null, {
email: profile.nameID,
username: profile.nameID, // Adjust according to your profile schema

apiToken: {
  salt: env("API_TOKEN_SALT"),
transfer: {
  token: {
    salt: env('TRANSFER_TOKEN_SALT'),
flags: {
  nps: env.bool('FLAG_NPS', true),
  promoteEE: env.bool('FLAG_PROMOTE_EE', true),


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