Welcome to the new Strapi Academy

We are proud to announce the launch of the Strapi Academy, a great resource for the community to learn Strapi for free! We created this academy to help our users develop their Strapi expertise and make the most out of it through advanced customization and plugins!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://strapi.io/blog/welcome-to-strapi-academy

Hey @commentsBot I am unable to access courses from strapi academy. I have logged in successfully but still getting message on screen “lecture content locked”. Please look screenshort. Please help on this

Hi @Gabbar_Sisodiya, sorry for the late reply. We’ll investigate why you can’t access it. Can you provide further details? In the screenshot shared, you are not logged in.

Also please note that the academy is temporarily closing from September the 30th. Read this article for more details.