What debug possiblies do I have to see where a request gets rejected?

I am on strapi 4.12.6 and would like to debug why a REST API request returns 403. I looked at the logger.js solution but the example does not help. Is there a way to enable all debug messages and see them on the console?


Hello @austriancoder,

A Rest API endpoint returns 403 usually when you are trying to access an endpoint that you do no have permissions for, i.e. Settings > Roles.

There you can see your defined roles (there are 2 by default). Click on one of them and check the Permissions area.

When I get this 403 errors this is the object I get in the response →
{ data: null, error:{ status: 403, name: "ForbiddenError", message: "Forbidden", details: { }} }

hey @andreasoikon, can you please explain more about this, as we have Authenticated & public roles. So in which role do I need to change the permission & what specifically do i need to change.

It really depend on the collection types that you need to give access to. Most of this can be done from the admin panel.


If I may add a doc link to @Paul_Brats answer

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Thank you.