What is the purpose of the <SkipToContent/> component in the admin panel?

Pretty much what the title says. If I hit tab several times eventually a button - otherwise invisibile - will be highlighted that says “skip to content”. Here’s what it looks like in the DOM: html <a href="#main-content" class="sc-bdvvtL sc-iKMXQg dOzIBG jWmnog">Skip to content</a> And here’s where it’s used in the admin pane: ```tsx
// @strapi/admin/admin/src/pages/App/index.js
// …
<Suspense fallback={}>

{formatMessage({ id: ‘skipToContent’, defaultMessage: ‘Skip to content’ })}

render={(routerProps) => (
<AuthPage {…routerProps} setHasAdmin={setHasAdmin} hasAdmin={hasAdmin} />

// …

What is the purpose of this? Does this satisfy some accessibility standard? Thanks.

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this is for accesssibility purposes

Allow me to demonstrate dis ability to remove it