Problems running through the public quick-start project exercise: Gatsy blog images are not displaying?

System Information
  • Strapi Version:
  • Operating System:
  • Database:
  • Node Version:
  • NPM Version:
  • Yarn Version:

Hi Team Strapi – I am following the Strapi Quick Start Guide

  • Step 1: Run the installation script: npx create-strapi-starter my-project gatsby-blog
  • Results:
    • The Strapi backend site is running just fine…
      • Looks really cool – can’t wait to start exploring!
    • The Gatsby-based blog front-end site is… KINDA working…
      • Text is showing, links can be followed, even embedded videos are running… BUT
      • Images are not showing.
  • Is there some issue in the demo code base?
  • FWIW, I’ve seen this before on other frameworks (e.g. Ionic) – the front-line demos “fall behind”
  • I’ve pasted my session log (I’m running on Linux Mint 19.x) below…

=========== SESSION LOG =============

Session Log:

$ npx create-strapi-starter my-project gatsby-blog
npx: installed 156 in 13.067s
? Choose your installation type Quickstart (recommended)
Creating a quickstart project.
Creating a new Strapi application at /home/dpc/
Creating files.
Installing strapi/strapi-template-blog template.
Dependencies installed successfully.

Your application was created at /home/dpc/

Available commands in your project:

  npm run develop
  Start Strapi in watch mode.

  npm run start
  Start Strapi without watch mode.

  npm run build
  Build Strapi admin panel.

  npm run strapi
  Display all available commands.

You can start by doing:

  cd /home/dpc/
  npm run develop

Creating Strapi starter frontend at /home/dpc/
Installing strapi/strapi-starter-gatsby-blog starter
Dependencies installed successfully.
Dependencies installed successfully.
Starting the app

> my-project@0.0.0 develop /home/dpc/
> cross-env FORCE_COLOR=1 npm-run-all -l -p develop:*

[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] > my-project@0.0.0 develop:backend /home/dpc/
[develop:backend ] > npm run --prefix backend develop
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:frontend] > my-project@0.0.0 develop:frontend /home/dpc/
[develop:frontend] > wait-on http://localhost:1337/admin && npm run --prefix frontend develop
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] > backend@0.1.0 develop /home/dpc/
[develop:backend ] > strapi develop
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] Building your admin UI with development configuration ...
[develop:backend ] ℹ Compiling Webpack
[develop:backend ] ✔ Webpack: Compiled successfully in 44.27s
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:14.544Z] info File created: /home/dpc/
[develop:backend ] Setting up the template...
[develop:backend ] Ready to go
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:21.440Z] debug HEAD /admin (12 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ]  Project information
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] ┌────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
[develop:backend ] │ Time               │ Sun Aug 01 2021 13:49:21 GMT-0700 (Pacific Dayl… │
[develop:backend ] │ Launched in        │ 18949 ms                                         │
[develop:backend ] │ Environment        │ development                                      │
[develop:backend ] │ Process PID        │ 2764                                             │
[develop:backend ] │ Version            │ 3.6.5 (node v12.14.1)                            │
[develop:backend ] │ Edition            │ Community                                        │
[develop:backend ] └────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ]  Actions available
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] One more thing...
[develop:backend ] Create your first administrator 💻 by going to the administration panel at:
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] ┌─────────────────────────────┐
[develop:backend ] │ http://localhost:1337/admin │
[develop:backend ] └─────────────────────────────┘
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:21.533Z] debug HEAD /admin (1 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:21.535Z] info ⏳ Opening the admin panel...
[develop:frontend] > gatsby-starter-default@0.1.0 develop /home/dpc/
[develop:frontend] > gatsby develop --open
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:22.217Z] debug GET /admin (3 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:22.343Z] debug GET /admin/runtime~main.b191036d.js (15 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:22.351Z] debug GET /admin/main.1a3e4228.chunk.js (10 ms) 200
[develop:frontend] ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
[develop:frontend] ║                                                                        ║
[develop:frontend] ║   Gatsby collects anonymous usage analytics                            ║
[develop:frontend] ║   to help improve Gatsby for all users.                                ║
[develop:frontend] ║                                                                        ║
[develop:frontend] ║   If you'd like to opt-out, you can use `gatsby telemetry --disable`   ║
[develop:frontend] ║   To learn more, checkout                 ║
[develop:frontend] ║                                                                        ║
[develop:frontend] ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:23.367Z] debug GET /favicon.ico (1 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:25.109Z] debug GET /admin/init (11 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:25.785Z] debug GET /admin/07109cdae9f760e8d97c89788c9dc9df.png (3 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:25.890Z] debug GET /admin/842e7845f3f8e943ff712a39617b6b70.svg (2 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:25.895Z] debug GET /admin/75614cfcfedd509b1f7ac1c26c53bb7f.woff2 (1 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:25.898Z] debug GET /admin/a6069540692725c247f13984a9598a92.woff2 (2 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:25.904Z] debug GET /admin/21b3848a32fce5b0f5014948186f6964.woff2 (1 ms) 200
[develop:frontend] info We're shipping new features! For final testing, we're rolling them out
[develop:frontend] first to a small % of Gatsby users
[develop:frontend] and your site was automatically chosen as one of them. With your help, we'll
[develop:frontend] then release them to everyone in the next minor release.
[develop:frontend] We greatly appreciate your help testing the change. Please report any feedback
[develop:frontend] good or bad in the umbrella issue. If you do encounter problems, please disable
[develop:frontend] the flag by setting it to false in your gatsby-config.js like:
[develop:frontend] flags: {
[develop:frontend]   THE_FLAG: false
[develop:frontend] }
[develop:frontend] The following flags were automatically enabled on your site:
[develop:frontend] - DEV_SSR · (Umbrella Issue ( · Server Side
[develop:frontend]  Render (SSR) pages on full reloads during develop. Helps you detect SSR bugs
[develop:frontend] and fix them without needing to do full builds. See umbrella issue for how to
[develop:frontend] update custom webpack config.
[develop:frontend] There are 4 other flags available that you might be interested in:
[develop:frontend] - FAST_DEV · Enable all experiments aimed at improving develop server start
[develop:frontend] time.
[develop:frontend] - DEV_WEBPACK_CACHE · (Umbrella Issue
[develop:frontend] ( · Enable webpack's persistent
[develop:frontend] caching during development. Speeds up the start of the development server.
[develop:frontend] - PRESERVE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_CACHE · (Umbrella Issue
[develop:frontend] ( · Don't delete the downloaded
[develop:frontend] files cache when changing gatsby-node.js & gatsby-config.js files.
[develop:frontend] - PARALLEL_SOURCING · EXPERIMENTAL · (Umbrella Issue
[develop:frontend] ( · Run all source plugins at the
[develop:frontend]  same time instead of serially. For sites with multiple source plugins, this can
[develop:frontend]  speedup sourcing and transforming considerably.
success open and validate gatsby-configs, load plugins - 1.687s
success onPreInit - 0.069s
success initialize cache - 0.067s
success copy gatsby files - 0.139s
success Compiling Gatsby Functions - 0.577s
success onPreBootstrap - 0.611s
success createSchemaCustomization - 0.006s
info Starting to fetch data from Strapi - http://localhost:1337/articles with
[develop:frontend] params {"_limit":1000}
info Starting to fetch data from Strapi - http://localhost:1337/categories with
[develop:frontend] params {"_limit":1000}
info Starting to fetch data from Strapi - http://localhost:1337/writers with
[develop:frontend] params {"_limit":1000}
info Starting to fetch data from Strapi - http://localhost:1337/homepage with
[develop:frontend] params {"_limit":1000}
info Starting to fetch data from Strapi - http://localhost:1337/global with
[develop:frontend] params {"_limit":1000}
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:31.654Z] debug GET /articles?_limit=1000 (133 ms) 200

[develop:frontend]  ERROR 
[develop:frontend] (node:3188) [DEP0066] DeprecationWarning: OutgoingMessage.prototype._headers is
[develop:frontend] deprecated
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:31.712Z] debug GET /writers?_limit=1000 (176 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:31.740Z] debug GET /homepage?_limit=1000 (200 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:31.742Z] debug GET /uploads/daviddoe_strapi_io_bee31116e9.jpg (19 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:31.743Z] debug GET /uploads/sarahbaker_strapi_io_d5ceea3ed5.jpg (14 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:31.746Z] debug GET /global?_limit=1000 (201 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:31.771Z] debug GET /uploads/a_bug_is_becoming_a_meme_on_the_internet_086cf14da4.jpg (12 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:31.772Z] debug GET /uploads/what_s_inside_a_black_hole_76b1976f3e.jpg (12 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:31.773Z] debug GET /uploads/this_shrimp_is_awesome_55420d2af3.jpg (12 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:31.774Z] debug GET /uploads/we_love_pizza_1cd45d534e.jpg (14 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:31.775Z] debug GET /uploads/the_internet_s_own_boy_ec31c55da6.jpg (11 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:31.802Z] debug GET /uploads/default_image_5ae9026741.png (13 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:31.840Z] debug GET /uploads/default_image_2d7b9bd9b2.png (3 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-01T20:49:31.924Z] debug GET /uploads/beautiful_picture_1ec6942fbe.jpg (6 ms) 200
success Fetched Strapi Data - 0.618s
success Checking for changed pages - 0.001s
success source and transform nodes - 0.726s
success building schema - 1.486s
success createPages - 0.002s
success createPagesStatefully - 0.251s
info Total nodes: 91, SitePage nodes: 15 (use --verbose for breakdown)
success Checking for changed pages - 0.001s
success update schema - 0.199s
success write out redirect data - 0.005s
success Build manifest and related icons - 0.139s
success onPostBootstrap - 0.143s
info bootstrap finished - 9.820s
success onPreExtractQueries - 0.001s
success extract queries from components - 2.269s
success write out requires - 0.008s
success run static queries - 2.697s - 4/4 1.48/s
success run page queries - 0.013s - 3/3 234.80/s

[develop:frontend]  ERROR #98123  WEBPACK
[develop:frontend] Generating development JavaScript bundle failed
[develop:frontend] ESLint is not a constructor
failed Building development bundle - 14.832s
ERROR in ESLint is not a constructor
[develop:frontend] webpack compiled with 1 error
success Writing page-data.json files to public directory - 0.264s - 3/15 56.79/s

Troubleshoot Gatsby Blog site problem (images not rendering) submitted to the Strapi Member Forum (w/ no response)

Since it’s been 48 hours w/ no useful response to this Strapi Member Forum request…

Walking slowly through the product-branded quick start page for troubleshooting ideas, we note:

Make sure Node.js and npm are properly installed on your machine.

…which is easy to graze right over, especially if you are already doing node/npm-based builds (as we are).

Going to the linked page, we note:

The CLI installation guide requires at least two software prerequisites to be already installed on your computer:

  • Node.js: only LTS versions are supported (version 12.x minimum). Other versions of Node.js may not be compatible with the latest release of Strapi. The 14.x version is most recommended by Strapi.

  • npm (version 6.x minimum) or yarn (opens new window) to run the CLI installation scripts.

A quick check of our versions yields:

$ node --version

$ npm  --version

…which indicates that our version of node might be the source of the problem.

Let’s see if upgrading to a stable (LTS) version of node will resolve the problem(s).

Using guidance from this article:
How to Update Node.js to Latest Version {Linux, Windows, and macOS}

…we will try “Option 2: Update Node.js with NPM (Node Package Manager)”:

  • (using sudo where needed)
npm cache clean -f
npm install -g n
sudo n stable

…or possibly: sudo n [version.number]


  • Our node and npm version are now up-tp-date & good-per-spec.
  • Gatsby site still has problems – images still not rendering.
  • This build error message:
    [develop:frontend]  ERROR #98123  WEBPACK
    [develop:frontend] Generating development JavaScript bundle failed
    [develop:frontend] ESLint is not a constructor
    failed Building development bundle - 11.936s
    ERROR in ESLint is not a constructor
    [develop:frontend] webpack compiled with 1 error
    success Writing page-data.json files to public directory - 0.212s - 3/15 70.88/s
    • …might possibly be the source of the problem, but it is cryptic (no source/line)
    • …it does not yield any clear ideas to try.

Session Log below…

Session Log: Upgrading node version to 14+

$ node --version
$ npm  --version

$ npm cache clean -f
npm WARN using --force I sure hope you know what you are doing.

$ npm install -g n
npm WARN checkPermissions Missing write access to /usr/lib/node_modules
npm ERR! code EACCES
npm ERR! syscall access
npm ERR! path /usr/lib/node_modules
npm ERR! errno -13
npm ERR! Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/usr/lib/node_modules'
npm ERR!  [Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/usr/lib/node_modules'] {
npm ERR!   stack: "Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/usr/lib/node_modules'",
npm ERR!   errno: -13,
npm ERR!   code: 'EACCES',
npm ERR!   syscall: 'access',
npm ERR!   path: '/usr/lib/node_modules'
npm ERR! }
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! The operation was rejected by your operating system.
npm ERR! It is likely you do not have the permissions to access this file as the current user
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! If you believe this might be a permissions issue, please double-check the
npm ERR! permissions of the file and its containing directories, or try running
npm ERR! the command again as root/Administrator.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /home/dpc/.npm/_logs/2021-08-03T21_18_21_456Z-debug.log

OK, it looks like we need to sudo this bee-yotch!

$ sudo npm install -g n
[sudo] password for dpc:                  
/usr/bin/n -> /usr/lib/node_modules/n/bin/n
+ n@7.3.1
added 1 package from 2 contributors in 0.121s
dpc@LT3-Insp17-2017:frontend$ sudo n stable
  installing : node-v14.17.4
       mkdir : /usr/local/n/versions/node/14.17.4
       fetch :
   installed : v14.17.4 (with npm 6.14.14)

Note: the node command changed location and the old location may be remembered in your current shell.
         old : /usr/bin/node
         new : /usr/local/bin/node
To reset the command location hash either start a new shell, or execute PATH="$PATH"

$ node --version
dpc@LT3-Insp17-2017:frontend$ npm  --version

Huh! WTF? Why isn’t the newly-installed version in-play?

Let’s force an environment re-read:

$ source ~/.bashrc
$ npm  --version
$ node --version

OK, that looks like it worked.

Session Log: Rebuilding the demo(s) (with upgraded node.js >= v14)

$ npx create-strapi-starter my-project gatsby-blog
npx: installed 156 in 11.479s
? Choose your installation type Quickstart (recommended)
Creating a quickstart project.
Creating a new Strapi application at /home/dpc/
Creating files.
Installing strapi/strapi-template-blog template.
Dependencies installed successfully.

Your application was created at /home/dpc/

Available commands in your project:

  npm run develop
  Start Strapi in watch mode.

  npm run start
  Start Strapi without watch mode.

  npm run build
  Build Strapi admin panel.

  npm run strapi
  Display all available commands.

You can start by doing:

  cd /home/dpc/
  npm run develop

Creating Strapi starter frontend at /home/dpc/
Installing strapi/strapi-starter-gatsby-blog starter
Dependencies installed successfully.
Dependencies installed successfully.
Starting the app

> my-project@0.0.0 develop /home/dpc/
> cross-env FORCE_COLOR=1 npm-run-all -l -p develop:*

[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] > my-project@0.0.0 develop:backend /home/dpc/
[develop:backend ] > npm run --prefix backend develop
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:frontend] > my-project@0.0.0 develop:frontend /home/dpc/
[develop:frontend] > wait-on http://localhost:1337/admin && npm run --prefix frontend develop
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] > backend@0.1.0 develop /home/dpc/
[develop:backend ] > strapi develop
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] Building your admin UI with development configuration ...
[develop:backend ] ℹ Compiling Webpack
[develop:backend ] ✔ Webpack: Compiled successfully in 35.03s
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:36.634Z] info File created: /home/dpc/
[develop:backend ] Setting up the template...
[develop:backend ] Ready to go
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ]  Project information
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] ┌────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
[develop:backend ] │ Time               │ Tue Aug 03 2021 14:44:42 GMT-0700 (Pacific Dayl… │
[develop:backend ] │ Launched in        │ 16915 ms                                         │
[develop:backend ] │ Environment        │ development                                      │
[develop:backend ] │ Process PID        │ 30113                                            │
[develop:backend ] │ Version            │ 3.6.5 (node v14.17.4)                            │
[develop:backend ] │ Edition            │ Community                                        │
[develop:backend ] └────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ]  Actions available
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] One more thing...
[develop:backend ] Create your first administrator 💻 by going to the administration panel at:
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] ┌─────────────────────────────┐
[develop:backend ] │ http://localhost:1337/admin │
[develop:backend ] └─────────────────────────────┘
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:43.133Z] debug HEAD /admin (23 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:43.145Z] debug HEAD /admin (4 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:43.149Z] info ⏳ Opening the admin panel...
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:43.668Z] debug GET /admin (2 ms) 200
[develop:frontend] > gatsby-starter-default@0.1.0 develop /home/dpc/
[develop:frontend] > gatsby develop --open
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:43.871Z] debug GET /admin/main.60a1df29.chunk.js (17 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:43.879Z] debug GET /admin/runtime~main.b191036d.js (11 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:44.911Z] debug GET /favicon.ico (0 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:46.108Z] debug GET /admin/init (5 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:46.840Z] debug GET /admin/07109cdae9f760e8d97c89788c9dc9df.png (2 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:46.940Z] debug GET /admin/842e7845f3f8e943ff712a39617b6b70.svg (2 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:46.944Z] debug GET /admin/75614cfcfedd509b1f7ac1c26c53bb7f.woff2 (3 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:46.947Z] debug GET /admin/a6069540692725c247f13984a9598a92.woff2 (2 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:46.950Z] debug GET /admin/21b3848a32fce5b0f5014948186f6964.woff2 (2 ms) 200
[develop:frontend] info We're shipping new features! For final testing, we're rolling them out
[develop:frontend] first to a small % of Gatsby users
[develop:frontend] and your site was automatically chosen as one of them. With your help, we'll
[develop:frontend] then release them to everyone in the next minor release.
[develop:frontend] We greatly appreciate your help testing the change. Please report any feedback
[develop:frontend] good or bad in the umbrella issue. If you do encounter problems, please disable
[develop:frontend] the flag by setting it to false in your gatsby-config.js like:
[develop:frontend] flags: {
[develop:frontend]   THE_FLAG: false
[develop:frontend] }
[develop:frontend] The following flags were automatically enabled on your site:
[develop:frontend] - DEV_SSR · (Umbrella Issue ( · Server Side
[develop:frontend]  Render (SSR) pages on full reloads during develop. Helps you detect SSR bugs
[develop:frontend] and fix them without needing to do full builds. See umbrella issue for how to
[develop:frontend] update custom webpack config.
[develop:frontend] There are 5 other flags available that you might be interested in:
[develop:frontend] - FAST_DEV · Enable all experiments aimed at improving develop server start
[develop:frontend] time.
[develop:frontend] - DEV_WEBPACK_CACHE · (Umbrella Issue
[develop:frontend] ( · Enable webpack's persistent
[develop:frontend] caching during development. Speeds up the start of the development server.
[develop:frontend] - PRESERVE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_CACHE · (Umbrella Issue
[develop:frontend] ( · Don't delete the downloaded
[develop:frontend] files cache when changing gatsby-node.js & gatsby-config.js files.
[develop:frontend] - PARALLEL_SOURCING · EXPERIMENTAL · (Umbrella Issue
[develop:frontend] ( · Run all source plugins at the
[develop:frontend]  same time instead of serially. For sites with multiple source plugins, this can
[develop:frontend]  speedup sourcing and transforming considerably.
[develop:frontend] - LMDB_STORE · EXPERIMENTAL · (Umbrella Issue
[develop:frontend] ( · Store nodes in a persistent embedded
[develop:frontend] database (vs in-memory). Lowers peak memory usage. Requires Node v14.10 or
[develop:frontend] above.
success open and validate gatsby-configs, load plugins - 1.512s
success onPreInit - 0.054s
success initialize cache - 0.035s
success copy gatsby files - 0.081s
success Compiling Gatsby Functions - 0.544s
success onPreBootstrap - 0.571s
success createSchemaCustomization - 0.006s
info Starting to fetch data from Strapi - http://localhost:1337/articles with
[develop:frontend] params {"_limit":1000}
info Starting to fetch data from Strapi - http://localhost:1337/categories with
[develop:frontend] params {"_limit":1000}
info Starting to fetch data from Strapi - http://localhost:1337/writers with
[develop:frontend] params {"_limit":1000}
info Starting to fetch data from Strapi - http://localhost:1337/homepage with
[develop:frontend] params {"_limit":1000}
info Starting to fetch data from Strapi - http://localhost:1337/global with
[develop:frontend] params {"_limit":1000}
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:51.756Z] debug GET /articles?_limit=1000 (110 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:51.766Z] debug GET /categories?_limit=1000 (116 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:51.801Z] debug GET /writers?_limit=1000 (148 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:51.817Z] debug GET /homepage?_limit=1000 (161 ms) 200

[develop:frontend]  ERROR 
[develop:frontend] (node:30436) [DEP0066] DeprecationWarning: OutgoingMessage.prototype._headers is
[develop:frontend]  deprecated
[develop:frontend] (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:51.875Z] debug GET /uploads/daviddoe_strapi_io_ffff12f2ae.jpg (4 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:51.876Z] debug GET /uploads/sarahbaker_strapi_io_8d9442bac6.jpg (4 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:51.876Z] debug GET /uploads/what_s_inside_a_black_hole_45fb880c1c.jpg (3 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:51.881Z] debug GET /uploads/a_bug_is_becoming_a_meme_on_the_internet_19b90542fb.jpg (6 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:51.886Z] debug GET /uploads/we_love_pizza_0e9c3dc5a6.jpg (9 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:51.890Z] debug GET /uploads/this_shrimp_is_awesome_7e4fb1b5ef.jpg (12 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:51.893Z] debug GET /uploads/the_internet_s_own_boy_bb890616cd.jpg (11 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:51.894Z] debug GET /uploads/default_image_fbcd1bd8a7.png (5 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:51.896Z] debug GET /uploads/default_image_7a72eaed6c.png (5 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:44:51.979Z] debug GET /uploads/beautiful_picture_517c410420.jpg (2 ms) 200
success Fetched Strapi Data - 0.564s
success Checking for changed pages - 0.001s
success source and transform nodes - 0.658s
success building schema - 1.304s
success createPages - 0.002s
success createPagesStatefully - 0.257s
info Total nodes: 91, SitePage nodes: 15 (use --verbose for breakdown)
success Checking for changed pages - 0.000s
success update schema - 0.145s
success write out redirect data - 0.002s
success Build manifest and related icons - 0.121s
success onPostBootstrap - 0.127s
info bootstrap finished - 8.341s
success onPreExtractQueries - 0.001s
success extract queries from components - 1.836s
success write out requires - 0.006s
success run static queries - 2.499s - 4/4 1.60/s
success run page queries - 0.013s - 3/3 224.58/s

[develop:frontend]  ERROR #98123  WEBPACK
[develop:frontend] Generating development JavaScript bundle failed
[develop:frontend] ESLint is not a constructor
failed Building development bundle - 11.936s
ERROR in ESLint is not a constructor
[develop:frontend] webpack compiled with 1 error
success Writing page-data.json files to public directory - 0.212s - 3/15 70.88/s

[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:46:43.465Z] debug POST /admin/register-admin (363 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:46:43.601Z] debug GET /admin/information (61 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:46:43.718Z] debug GET /content-manager/content-types (113 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:46:43.768Z] debug GET /i18n/locales (156 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:46:43.941Z] debug GET /admin/users/me/permissions (45 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:46:44.108Z] debug GET /admin/6d20cff5b3255dd0078f935c34e2b882.woff2 (3 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:46:44.112Z] debug GET /admin/0063b2cc64d976ac36f211442466d0ac.png (4 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:46:44.157Z] debug GET /content-manager/content-types-settings (120 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:46:44.197Z] debug GET /content-manager/content-types (151 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:46:44.227Z] debug GET /content-manager/components (178 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:46:44.361Z] debug GET /content-manager/content-types (30 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:46:44.601Z] debug GET /admin/f46a81c3d1d3a648af68cffd4d0bba1d.png (3 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:46:44.602Z] debug GET /admin/a4234d384f7c58f2f5f90cfb08cee1e1.png (3 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:46:44.610Z] debug GET /admin/2fa5de8209723e8dc08c8aee4644da58.png (1 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:46:44.618Z] debug GET /admin/f16ac9b228b18810dd7cd6313764c007.png (2 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:46:44.625Z] debug GET /admin/3dd22e0349b2d2a7b7c998ad0bdb03df.png (2 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-03T21:46:44.631Z] debug GET /admin/7b77ea7e971bd3774dac8db799dfcef7.png (4 ms) 200
success onPreExtractQueries - 0.002s
success extract queries from components - 0.184s
success write out requires - 0.016s
success write out requires - 0.001s
success run page queries - 1.801s - 1/1 0.56/s
success Writing page-data.json files to public directory - 0.032s - 1/12
[develop:frontend] 378.36/s
success onPreExtractQueries - 0.002s
success extract queries from components - 0.131s
success write out requires - 0.002s
success run page queries - 0.792s - 1/1 1.26/s
success Writing page-data.json files to public directory - 0.023s - 1/11
[develop:frontend] 473.55/s

@dpcunningham I’m not able to reproduce the error but could you try bumping eslint in frontend/package.json from 6.x to 7.32.0?

delete frontend node_modules and .cache then npm install


Thank you, amigo. That resolved the build failure. This looks super-cool!

Spot-on call! I’ll attach my session log below.

And… wow. What a call on your part! What gave you the intuition on that? As a developer with no experience in Strapi + , I was lost, simply because I am so new to the entire ecosystem – so I had no idea where to begin.

I was resigning myself to try to cobble together a standalone Gatsby instance (using some other tutorials). But I was dreading that process, because other demos weren’t specifically tooled oto use this specific Strapi schema. In other words, what I really wanted to do was show the potential of Strapi (to fellow co-founders) without having to spend the time & learning curve working up a useful practical demo. You got me back on track. Thanks.

So – an important follow-up Q:

I believe the quick start demo process I used pulled everything down from your repo, and did all of its (most impressive) magicks from there. Does this mean that this potential build environment problem (on any given localhost) should be remedied by a code change in your repo to reflect your idea to enforce the version requirement for eslint?

In other words, In my previous attempt to troubleshoot the problem, I DID upgrade my base version of node.js (from 12 to 14). Historically, I’ve been using that to build (Ionic + Angular + Loopback) stacks, and simply didn’t give it a lot of thought before I charged off into the build cycle for this product evaluation. So that lameness was on me.

But it turned out that me policing my lameness did not solve the problem, and yours did.

In other words, should the versioning problem with eslint be corrected by a PR/merge into your repo, or is it better to try to enforce on the builder’s end?

Or perhaps should the build process even error out as soon as it realized my version of node.js was so far out of date.

My GitOps kung-fu is not at all sufficient to know how to de-risk the build process with version enforcement. But it seems to me that anything that derails the flagship “build this awesome demo” process should be de-risked as much as practically possible.

And it IS, by the way, an awesome demo. I am truly excited by the possibilities of Strapi.

Thanks again, amigo.

Session log attached below…

Session Log (upgrading eslint per recommendation):

Let’s do the recommended cleanup/purge:

$ pwd

$ ls

$ cd my-project/frontend/

$ ls
gatsby-config.js  gatsby-node.js  node_modules  package.json  package-lock.json  public  src  yarn.lock

$ vi package.json # And bump eslint up to '7.32.0'

$ rm -Rf node_modules/
$ rm -Rf .cache/
$ npm install

> sharp@0.28.3 install /home/dpc/
> (node install/libvips && node install/dll-copy && prebuild-install) || (node install/can-compile && node-gyp rebuild && node install/dll-copy)

sharp: Using cached /home/dpc/.npm/_libvips/

> core-js@2.6.12 postinstall /home/dpc/
> node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"

Thank you for using core-js ( ) for polyfilling JavaScript standard library!

The project needs your help! Please consider supporting of core-js on Open Collective or Patreon: 

Also, the author of core-js ( ) is looking for a good job -)

> core-js@3.16.0 postinstall /home/dpc/
> node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"

Thank you for using core-js ( ) for polyfilling JavaScript standard library!

The project needs your help! Please consider supporting of core-js:
> bitcoin: bc1qlea7544qtsmj2rayg0lthvza9fau63ux0fstcz 

Also, the author of core-js ( ) is looking for a good job -)

> core-js-pure@3.16.0 postinstall /home/dpc/
> node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"

> gatsby-telemetry@2.10.0 postinstall /home/dpc/
> node src/postinstall.js || true

> mozjpeg@7.1.0 postinstall /home/dpc/
> node lib/install.js

  ✔ mozjpeg pre-build test passed successfully

> pngquant-bin@6.0.0 postinstall /home/dpc/
> node lib/install.js

  ✔ pngquant pre-build test passed successfully

> gatsby-cli@3.10.0 postinstall /home/dpc/
> node scripts/postinstall.js

> gatsby@3.10.2 postinstall /home/dpc/
> node scripts/postinstall.js

npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.13 (node_modules/webpack-dev-server/node_modules/fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.13: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@2.3.2 (node_modules/fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@2.3.2: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})

added 2272 packages from 1115 contributors and audited 2281 packages in 45.897s

240 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 11 vulnerabilities (7 moderate, 4 high)
  run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details

OK, so let’s see if we can rebuild this sukka!

$ cd .. # Let's go back to where we did the original build, and...

dpc@LT3-Insp17-2017:my-project$ npm run develop

> my-project@0.0.0 develop /home/dpc/
> cross-env FORCE_COLOR=1 npm-run-all -l -p develop:*

[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] > my-project@0.0.0 develop:backend /home/dpc/
[develop:backend ] > npm run --prefix backend develop
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:frontend] > my-project@0.0.0 develop:frontend /home/dpc/
[develop:frontend] > wait-on http://localhost:1337/admin && npm run --prefix frontend develop
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] > backend@0.1.0 develop /home/dpc/
[develop:backend ] > strapi develop
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ]  Project information
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] ┌────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
[develop:backend ] │ Time               │ Wed Aug 04 2021 10:55:36 GMT-0700 (Pacific Dayl… │
[develop:backend ] │ Launched in        │ 3487 ms                                          │
[develop:backend ] │ Environment        │ development                                      │
[develop:backend ] │ Process PID        │ 5921                                             │
[develop:backend ] │ Version            │ 3.6.5 (node v14.17.4)                            │
[develop:backend ] │ Edition            │ Community                                        │
[develop:backend ] └────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ]  Actions available
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] One more thing...
[develop:backend ] Create your first administrator 💻 by going to the administration panel at:
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] ┌─────────────────────────────┐
[develop:backend ] │ http://localhost:1337/admin │
[develop:backend ] └─────────────────────────────┘
[develop:backend ] 
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:37.128Z] debug HEAD /admin (24 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:37.132Z] info ⏳ Opening the admin panel...
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:37.149Z] debug HEAD /admin (6 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:37.580Z] debug GET /admin (2 ms) 200
[develop:frontend] > gatsby-starter-default@0.1.0 develop /home/dpc/
[develop:frontend] > gatsby develop --open
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:37.735Z] debug GET /admin/runtime~main.b191036d.js (20 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:37.736Z] debug GET /admin/main.60a1df29.chunk.js (4 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:39.558Z] debug GET /admin/init (4 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:40.172Z] debug GET /admin/07109cdae9f760e8d97c89788c9dc9df.png (3 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:40.291Z] debug GET /admin/75614cfcfedd509b1f7ac1c26c53bb7f.woff2 (2 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:40.292Z] debug GET /admin/842e7845f3f8e943ff712a39617b6b70.svg (5 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:40.297Z] debug GET /admin/a6069540692725c247f13984a9598a92.woff2 (2 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:40.308Z] debug GET /admin/21b3848a32fce5b0f5014948186f6964.woff2 (2 ms) 200
[develop:frontend] info We're shipping new features! For final testing, we're rolling them out
[develop:frontend] first to a small % of Gatsby users
[develop:frontend] and your site was automatically chosen as one of them. With your help, we'll
[develop:frontend] then release them to everyone in the next minor release.
[develop:frontend] We greatly appreciate your help testing the change. Please report any feedback
[develop:frontend] good or bad in the umbrella issue. If you do encounter problems, please disable
[develop:frontend] the flag by setting it to false in your gatsby-config.js like:
[develop:frontend] flags: {
[develop:frontend]   THE_FLAG: false
[develop:frontend] }
[develop:frontend] The following flags were automatically enabled on your site:
[develop:frontend] - DEV_SSR · (Umbrella Issue ( · Server Side
[develop:frontend]  Render (SSR) pages on full reloads during develop. Helps you detect SSR bugs
[develop:frontend] and fix them without needing to do full builds. See umbrella issue for how to
[develop:frontend] update custom webpack config.
[develop:frontend] There are 5 other flags available that you might be interested in:
[develop:frontend] - FAST_DEV · Enable all experiments aimed at improving develop server start
[develop:frontend] time.
[develop:frontend] - DEV_WEBPACK_CACHE · (Umbrella Issue
[develop:frontend] ( · Enable webpack's persistent
[develop:frontend] caching during development. Speeds up the start of the development server.
[develop:frontend] - PRESERVE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_CACHE · (Umbrella Issue
[develop:frontend] ( · Don't delete the downloaded
[develop:frontend] files cache when changing gatsby-node.js & gatsby-config.js files.
[develop:frontend] - PARALLEL_SOURCING · EXPERIMENTAL · (Umbrella Issue
[develop:frontend] ( · Run all source plugins at the
[develop:frontend]  same time instead of serially. For sites with multiple source plugins, this can
[develop:frontend]  speedup sourcing and transforming considerably.
[develop:frontend] - LMDB_STORE · EXPERIMENTAL · (Umbrella Issue
[develop:frontend] ( · Store nodes in a persistent embedded
[develop:frontend] database (vs in-memory). Lowers peak memory usage. Requires Node v14.10 or
[develop:frontend] above.
success open and validate gatsby-configs, load plugins - 1.122s
success onPreInit - 0.053s
success initialize cache - 0.027s
success copy gatsby files - 0.045s
success Compiling Gatsby Functions - 0.328s
success onPreBootstrap - 0.351s
success createSchemaCustomization - 0.006s
info Starting to fetch data from Strapi - http://localhost:1337/articles with
[develop:frontend] params {"_limit":1000}
info Starting to fetch data from Strapi - http://localhost:1337/categories with
[develop:frontend] params {"_limit":1000}
info Starting to fetch data from Strapi - http://localhost:1337/writers with
[develop:frontend] params {"_limit":1000}
info Starting to fetch data from Strapi - http://localhost:1337/homepage with
[develop:frontend] params {"_limit":1000}
info Starting to fetch data from Strapi - http://localhost:1337/global with
[develop:frontend] params {"_limit":1000}
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:44.236Z] debug GET /articles?_limit=1000 (148 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:44.263Z] debug GET /categories?_limit=1000 (169 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:44.278Z] debug GET /writers?_limit=1000 (178 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:44.287Z] debug GET /global?_limit=1000 (180 ms) 200

[develop:frontend]  ERROR 
[develop:frontend] (node:5987) [DEP0066] DeprecationWarning: OutgoingMessage.prototype._headers is
[develop:frontend] deprecated
[develop:frontend] (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:44.322Z] debug GET /uploads/daviddoe_strapi_io_f97a4d9066.jpg (4 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:44.323Z] debug GET /uploads/sarahbaker_strapi_io_b18a2d3774.jpg (2 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:44.349Z] debug GET /uploads/this_shrimp_is_awesome_5990276f1d.jpg (8 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:44.352Z] debug GET /uploads/the_internet_s_own_boy_03a967346a.jpg (7 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:44.355Z] debug GET /uploads/we_love_pizza_faa80e33e1.jpg (7 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:44.361Z] debug GET /uploads/a_bug_is_becoming_a_meme_on_the_internet_d86bd60e2b.jpg (10 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:44.367Z] debug GET /uploads/what_s_inside_a_black_hole_ef708407e6.jpg (13 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:44.371Z] debug GET /uploads/default_image_98fbe34b16.png (11 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:44.373Z] debug GET /uploads/default_image_4f4b3a792e.png (9 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T17:55:44.458Z] debug GET /uploads/beautiful_picture_35df178a40.jpg (1 ms) 200
success Fetched Strapi Data - 0.580s
success Checking for changed pages - 0.001s
success source and transform nodes - 0.671s
success building schema - 1.313s
success createPages - 0.002s
success createPagesStatefully - 0.206s
info Total nodes: 91, SitePage nodes: 15 (use --verbose for breakdown)
success Checking for changed pages - 0.001s
success update schema - 0.167s
success write out redirect data - 0.001s
success Build manifest and related icons - 0.119s
success onPostBootstrap - 0.124s
info bootstrap finished - 7.262s
success onPreExtractQueries - 0.001s
success extract queries from components - 1.847s
success write out requires - 0.006s
success run static queries - 2.511s - 4/4 1.59/s
success run page queries - 0.009s - 3/3 327.64/s
You can now view gatsby-starter-default in the browser.
View GraphiQL, an in-browser IDE, to explore your site's data and schema
Note that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, use gatsby build
success Building development bundle - 12.785s
success Writing page-data.json files to public directory - 0.334s - 3/15 44.93/s
success onPreExtractQueries - 0.006s
success extract queries from components - 0.163s
success write out requires - 0.003s
success run page queries - 1.507s - 1/1 0.66/s
success Writing page-data.json files to public directory - 0.037s - 1/12
[develop:frontend] 325.69/s
success onPreExtractQueries - 0.001s
success extract queries from components - 0.082s
success write out requires - 0.005s
success run page queries - 3.338s - 1/1 0.30/s
success Writing page-data.json files to public directory - 0.019s - 1/11
[develop:frontend] 566.73/s
success onPreExtractQueries - 0.004s
success extract queries from components - 0.168s
success write out requires - 0.018s
success run page queries - 1.038s - 1/1 0.96/s
success Writing page-data.json files to public directory - 0.035s - 1/10
[develop:frontend] 288.04/s
success onPreExtractQueries - 0.007s
success extract queries from components - 0.117s
success write out requires - 0.002s
success run page queries - 3.938s - 1/1 0.25/s
success Writing page-data.json files to public directory - 0.027s - 1/9 329.97/s
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:02:10.732Z] debug GET /admin/auth/register-admin (4 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:02:10.810Z] debug GET /admin/runtime~main.b191036d.js (4 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:02:10.811Z] debug GET /admin/main.60a1df29.chunk.js (3 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:02:11.735Z] debug GET /favicon.ico (1 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:02:12.462Z] debug GET /admin/init (21 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:02:12.820Z] debug GET /admin/07109cdae9f760e8d97c89788c9dc9df.png (2 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:02:12.933Z] debug GET /admin/842e7845f3f8e943ff712a39617b6b70.svg (2 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:02:12.939Z] debug GET /admin/75614cfcfedd509b1f7ac1c26c53bb7f.woff2 (1 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:02:12.943Z] debug GET /admin/a6069540692725c247f13984a9598a92.woff2 (1 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:02:12.949Z] debug GET /admin/21b3848a32fce5b0f5014948186f6964.woff2 (1 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:32.805Z] debug POST /admin/register-admin (427 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:33.010Z] debug GET /admin/information (70 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:33.172Z] debug GET /content-manager/content-types (158 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:33.224Z] debug GET /i18n/locales (203 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:33.481Z] debug GET /admin/users/me/permissions (74 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:33.821Z] debug GET /admin/0063b2cc64d976ac36f211442466d0ac.png (8 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:33.822Z] debug GET /admin/6d20cff5b3255dd0078f935c34e2b882.woff2 (4 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:33.902Z] debug GET /content-manager/content-types-settings (188 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:33.973Z] debug GET /content-manager/components (245 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:34.017Z] debug GET /content-manager/content-types (285 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:34.235Z] debug GET /admin/ada6e6df937f7e5e8b790dfea07109b7.woff2 (2 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:34.330Z] debug GET /content-manager/content-types (83 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:34.495Z] debug GET /admin/f46a81c3d1d3a648af68cffd4d0bba1d.png (2 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:34.500Z] debug GET /admin/a4234d384f7c58f2f5f90cfb08cee1e1.png (2 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:34.507Z] debug GET /admin/2fa5de8209723e8dc08c8aee4644da58.png (4 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:34.508Z] debug GET /admin/f16ac9b228b18810dd7cd6313764c007.png (3 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:34.549Z] debug GET /admin/3dd22e0349b2d2a7b7c998ad0bdb03df.png (3 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:34.556Z] debug GET /admin/7b77ea7e971bd3774dac8db799dfcef7.png (3 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:38.570Z] debug GET /content-manager/components (64 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:38.629Z] debug GET /content-manager/content-types (99 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:38.732Z] debug GET /content-manager/content-types/application::category.category/configuration (43 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:06:39.098Z] debug GET /content-manager/collection-types/application::category.category?page=1&pageSize=10&_sort=name:ASC (93 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:16:39.147Z] debug GET /content-manager/collection-types/application::category.category/3 (81 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:16:39.557Z] debug GET /admin/279025c08c624c3861cb13f1bdc4b7dd.svg (1 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:16:45.177Z] debug GET /content-manager/content-types/plugins::users-permissions.user/configuration (88 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:16:45.835Z] debug GET /content-manager/collection-types/plugins::users-permissions.user?page=1&pageSize=10&_sort=username:ASC (87 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:16:46.429Z] debug GET /content-manager/content-types/application::article.article/configuration (80 ms) 200
[develop:backend ] [2021-08-04T18:16:46.870Z] debug GET /content-manager/collection-types/application::article.article?page=1&pageSize=10&_sort=title:ASC (125 ms) 200

And… it works. Yay!

Also… wow – what a call (on the eslint version).

I believe others are having the same problem, there is an issue here: create-strapi-starter - errors on terminal, does not install on this basic getting started step · Issue #30 · strapi/strapi-starter-gatsby-blog · GitHub. I think it depends on the environment, but I will probably open a PR to bump eslint in hopes that it is actually the source of the problem. Thanks for your feedback and glad it’s working now.