Strapi's Menu & Fields Translation

We see that there is a language dropdown.

Where can we add translations for the Collections we made for German language for example.

When we choose German these fields and main menu items get translated.

Thank you

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 3.3.4
  • Operating System: Linux
  • Database: Mongo
  • Node Version: *v12.18.3
  • NPM Version: 6.14.6
  • Yarn Version: 1.22.5

the localization is a feature in Strapi’s roadmap and it will be developed and launched in the First Q1 of 2021.

if you are planning to do it yourself, there will be custom development required at this stage

@Saad_Mujeeb Thats the localization of content…

I just want to translate the left menu and the labels of fields/

oh okay… there are documentations on customizing the admin panel itself and that might help.

@Saad_Mujeeb Docs about translation? Couldn’t find any.

@wissam the admin panel can be customized… It’s based on React and supports all reacts plugins…
Let me check this for you…

Hello @wissam I think that might help: Admin Panel Customization

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